Operation Christmas Child News
You’re Invited to see Guest Speaker Jaki Hernandez
Jaki Hernandez was left at an orphanage in Guatemala by her young mother when she was only a few months old. Sharing a room with 12 other girls, Jaki learned to protect the few possessions that she had.
One December, when Jaki was 5 years old, she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. Cuddling the stuffed animal she received in her shoebox, Jaki felt special, loved and cared for. She had something to call her own. One year later, she was adopted into a family in the United States and she started packing shoeboxes to share the love of Jesus with other children like herself.
To hear about God’s love in her life, please join us for a special time of Jaki sharing her testimony.
Sunday, September 21, 3:00 p.m.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
We welcome you to join us at this very special event. American Heritage Girls and Trail Life Troops IL0412 would like to personally invite the community, the church, and all other troops to come join us. What a wonderful day to celebrate the combined ministries of Operation Christmas Child, American Heritage Girls, and Trail Life USA.
Inspiration at the 2019 Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
The Operation Christmas Child (#OCC) Shoebox Packing Party was a fantastic success Monday night. On November 4th, 150 people came together at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School and packed 333 boxes. We’d like to thank everyone who donated to the project — including Thrivent Financial, Immanuel members, community members, as well as the volunteers who packed the shoeboxes, American Heritage Girls Troops IL0412 and IL3130, Trail Life USA Troop IL0412, and the ILS 8th grade class who showed up in force.
The evening was an inspiration. This packing party project brought together 150 individuals from across the community and provided an opportunity where they could give of themselves. More importantly, the shoeboxes will be used worldwide by local organizations to help children receive the Good News of the Gospel.
The people – everyone from toddlers to people in their seventies — who volunteered to pack were an inspiration. Parents patiently guided and taught their children that it’s important to be generous. One child was so tiny he had a hard time even carrying the shoebox, but he dutifully carried it. Older children were excited to be able to pack more than one box. One couple with grown children (and plans for the early evening), arrived at 8:00 p.m. because they knew cleanup help was important. They want to make it possible for volunteers with children to go home and get those kids to bed.
Also inspiring of course are the people who donated items all year. Perhaps it’s school supplies during the summer. Or carefully assembled sewing kits. One family purchased tool kits, carefully modifying the packaging so it would be nestled safely in the shoeboxes, along with soap, pencils, etc. One woman took donated fabric and sewed skirts - pretty and practical - for young girls. And so much more.
The shoeboxes are part of Operation Christmas Child, a project that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes. These boxes are frequently called GO boxes, Gospel Opportunity, because they allow the love of Jesus to be shared to children who have not previously had the opportunity. Shoeboxes are filled with presents such as school supplies, toothbrushes, combs, personal letters, a toy, and a variety of other small-sized gifts. For many children, their shoebox is the first and only gift they’ll ever receive. The presents and personal letters inside communicate that someone cares for them and gives them an opportunity to experience the love of God. Immanuel Lutheran collects donations for these boxes year-round.
For more information, please contact Trephina Bedell at 847-359-1549 or tbedell@ilcp.org.
Get Ready, Get Set, Go: American Heritage Girls Help Church Prepare for Operation Christmas Child Efforts
Members of the American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop and Trail Life #IL0412 participated in a service project back in August by helping Immanuel Lutheran gear up for its annual Operation Christmas Child project. Immanuel has been collecting shoebox items all year, and there were several things that needed to be done. The Girls and Trailmen tackled the tasks with enthusiasm. They made pencil pouches to make it easier to pack in November at our packing party.
When asked about the National Service Day project, Trephina Bedell, Troop Coordinator and Troop Ministry Liaison, was quick to point out that, ‘It wasn’t just a one shot deal. AHG and Trail Life work on Operation Christmas Child (OCC) projects all year long. They even made their own “how to pack a shoebox” video a couple of years ago in Immanuel’s AV studio. To see them through the years enthusiastically embrace the behind-the-scenes, they are growing in their serving. Their contributions really help propel Immanuel’s OCC efforts.’
Immanuel invites the entire community to participate in those efforts in four ways:
1. Donate! Drop off donations at Immanuel by Thursday, October 31, at 2:00 p.m. Items donated will be used to pack boxes at the Community Packing Party on November 4. See Immanuel’s website for a list of accepted items.
2. Help pack boxes at the Community Packing Party on Monday, November 4, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.!
3. Pack your own box! Pack your own box and we will send it to the OCC processing center. Drop it off next to the collection bin in Fellowship Hall by Friday, November 15.
4. Become a volunteer! Help with the packing party. Please contact Trephina Bedell at tbedell@ilcp.org for more information!
October’s OCC Item of the Month
Before packing day on Monday, November 4, we are still looking for the following items to complete the shoeboxes:
• Soap bars, full-size
• Crayola Crayons (other brands will melt)
• Water bottles, lightweight, reusable
• Toothbrushes
• WOW! Items—”WOW” items surprise and delight a child. Some great items to include are: soccer ball & air pump, a stuffed animal, a doll or a small musical instrument.
Visit https://www.immanuelpalatine.org/operation-christmas-child/ for more information.
May’s OCC Item of the Month is Hygiene Items!
Living in Chicago’s Northwest Suburbs it’s easy to take things like toothbrushes and other simple toiletries for granted. But hygiene items are incredible treats for children living in harsh conditions.
Liquid soaps are not accepted, but bar soap is wonderful. Toothpaste cannot be included, but a child’s oral hygiene can still be improved by regular use of a toothbrush alone. Toothbrushes can only be accepted if they are in SEALED packing. That means if you buy a multi-pack of toothbrushes, please leave them packaged. But that’s ok - those toothbrushes may be all the entire family ever has.
Simply drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549. More information on Operation Christmas Child can be found at
The toothbrush meant a lot because before I had to share my toothbrush with 25 other girls.
I absolutely loved the washcloth. As an orphan I had to share a towel with about 20 kids. So when I got the washcloth I actually thought it was my own personal towel.
We’re collecting for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2019 Shoeboxes year-round!
We’re doing this to get ready for a great packing party in November. Working year round gives us extra time to carefully choose special items for the shoebox. These shoeboxes really matter. An OCC shoebox might be the only gift a child ever receives. Even if you can’t make it, you can participate by donating something to include in the shoeboxes. Items must be new. For a complete list of accepted items, please visit our Operation Christmas Child page.
Immanuel is an Operation Christmas Child Drop-Off Location – We Need Your Help!
National Collection Week
November 12–19
During National Collection Week, nearly 5,000 drop-off locations will be open across the U.S. to receive shoebox gifts and Immanuel will be serving as one of those locations. But we need your help to make that possible! Prayer partners and volunteers (greeters, cartonizers, and loaders) are needed during the following shifts – can you help?
Mon, Nov. 5: | Packing Party 6:30 – 8:00 PM |
Mon, Nov. 12: | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Tue, Nov. 13: | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Wed, Nov. 14: | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Wed, Nov. 14: | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Thu, Nov. 15: | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
Fri, Nov. 16: | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Sat, Nov. 17: | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Sun, Nov. 18: | 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Mon, Nov. 19: | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Mon, Nov. 19: | 10:00 AM Load the Truck! |
To sign up for a timeslot please visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c4eafab28aa8-operation1
Please contact Trephina Bedell (847-359-1549 or tbedell@ilcp.org) with questions or to sign up.
Get Ready, Get Set, Go: American Heritage Girls Help Church Prepare for Operation Christmas Child Efforts
Members of the American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop #IL0412 participated in AHG’s National Service Day project by helping Immanuel Lutheran gear up for its annual Operation Christmas Child project. Immanuel is collecting shoebox items year round and there were several things that needed to be done. The girls tackled the tasks with enthusiasm. They
- Counted, removed tags, tracked and boxed donated items
- Assembled fishing kits and jump ropes
- Sized and bagged socks for easy packing during the Community packing party on November 5
When asked about the National Service Day project, Trephina Bedell, Immanuel’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator, was quick to point out that, “it wasn’t just a one shot deal. AHG girls work on Operation Christmas Child (OCC) projects all year long. They even made their own “how to pack a shoebox” video last year in Immanuel’s AV studio. To see them enthusiastically embrace the behind-the-scenes, but necessary, tasks that they completed for National Service Day is heartening. They are growing in their serving. Their contributions really help propel Immanuel’s OCC efforts.” Immanuel invites the entire community to participate in those efforts in four ways:
1. Donate! Drop off donations at Immanuel by Wednesday, October 31 at 2:00 p.m. Items donated will be used to pack boxes at the Community packing party on November 5. See Immanuel’s website for a list of accepted items.
2. Help Pack Boxes at the Community Packing Party on November 5 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.!
3. Pack your own box! Immanuel is a shoebox drop-off location again this year. Pack your own box and we will send it to the OCC processing center. National Collection Week is November 12 – 19.
4. Become a volunteer! Help with the packing party or National Collection Week. Please contact Trephina Bedell at tbedell@ilcp.org for more information!
About American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a national organization that focuses on developing young women, embraces Christian values, and encourages family involvement. It helps girls learn skills that will help them in all areas of their lives…whether this is how to use a computer, learn about their ancestors, how to fish, or even what it takes to be an astronaut. Contact Trephina Bedell at tbedell@ilcp.org for more information about AHG at Immanuel.
About Immanuel Lutheran
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, a fixture in the Palatine community for nearly 150 years, offers a variety of programs and services to the people of Palatine, as well as weekly worship services. Immanuel is located at 200 North Plum Grove Road (at Wood Street) in downtown Palatine, just two blocks east of the Palatine Metra Train Station. To volunteer or for more information, please visit ImmanuelPalatine.org or call 847-359-1549.
The OCC Item of the Month is School Supplies
The Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Item of the Month for August is school supplies! Back to school sales make August the perfect month to purchase quality school supplies at great prices. A child receives a shoebox only once in their ENTIRE life – let’s make these boxes great!
OCC School supply list:
- Rulers
- Pencils
- Crayola Crayons (24 count or smaller). Crayola crayons won’t melt when shipped overseas to warmer climates…other brands will.
- Colored Pencils
- Notebooks that will fit in a shoebox
Since savvy shoppers know that August is a fantastic month to find flip flops and summer clothes on sale, we’d like to remind everyone that we’re thrilled to collect all items year-round. There are a wide variety of clothing items appropriate for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes! For example:
- T-shirts – Shirts without writing, are best. English is not the primary language in many of the OCC countries and kids may not even understand what is written on their shirts. There’s also a culture gap.
- Shorts, especially those with elastic waistbands so they last and fit longer.
- Skirts, especially with elastic waistbands
- Hats
- Flip Flops/Shoes – These are especially important because shoes help kids who have to walk long distances to get to school or to get water from a well.
- Socks – These are key…it gets cold at night even though the days are hot.
Of course, WOW items, like a soccer ball with an air pump, are always needed.
Simply drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549. More on information Operation Christmas Child can be found at Immanuelpalatine.org/operation-christmas-child.

“The boxes of gifts reflected the goodness of Christ.” See how OCC impacted the lives of sisters, Shanika & Sherika! https://t.co/0hRGyR2axK
— OCC Shoeboxes (@OCC_shoeboxes) June 27, 2017
We’re collecting for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2018 Shoeboxes year-round!
We’re doing this to get ready for a great packing party on November 5, 2018. Working year round gives us extra time to carefully choose special items for the shoebox. These shoeboxes really matter. An OCC shoebox might be the only gift a child ever receives. Even if you can’t make it, you can participate by donating something to include in the shoeboxes. Items must be new. For a complete list of accepted items, please visit our Operation Christmas Child page. Donations may be dropped off at Immanuel at any time. Please drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549
OCC’s Item of the Month for July is Clothing
July is a great time to purchase clothes on sale. Clothing can also be handmade. Either way, items should be new. A child receives a shoebox only once in their life – let’s make these boxes great!
There is a wide variety of clothing items appropriate for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes! For example:
- T-shirts – Shirts without writing are best. English is not the primary language in many of the OCC countries and kids may not even understand what is written on their shirts. There’s also a culture gap.
- Shorts, especially those with elastic waistbands so they last and fit longer.
- Skirts, especially with elastic waistbands
- Hats
- Socks – These are key…it gets cold at night even though the days are hot.
- Handmade “Pillowcase” Dresses
- Flip Flops/Shoes – These are especially important because shoes help kids who have to walk long distances to get to school or to get water from a well. In some parts of the world, children have to walk long distances to school. They must wear shoes and provide their own school supplies, or they cannot attend. If they don’t have shoes, they can’t go to school. Flip flops are an excellent way to provide shoes for a child. Because the sizing is more general, they can wear them a long time, even as their feet grow.

We’re collecting for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2018 Shoeboxes year-round!
We’re doing this to get ready for a great packing party on November 5, 2018. Working year round gives us extra time to carefully choose special items for the shoebox. These shoeboxes really matter. An OCC shoebox might be the only gift a child ever receives. Even if you can’t make it, you can participate by donating something to include in the shoeboxes. Items must be new. For a complete list of accepted items, please visit our Operation Christmas Child page. Donations may be dropped off at Immanuel at any time. Please drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549
Toys are the June Operation Christmas Child Item of the Month
Did you know you could fit a soccer ball in a shoebox? Did you know that it’s a big deal? A soccer ball fits in a shoebox when it’s deflated. It’s a big deal when you put it - along with a small air pump -in an Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoebox! Buy a soccer ball and an air pump…you could make a difference in an entire village, as kids gather together to play a game. It may be the first time they have ever played with a ball!
It’s also a great time to do this - the June OCC item of the month is toys! We’re collecting for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2018 Shoeboxes year-round in preparation for a great packing party this November. Working year round gives us extra time to acquire special items for the shoebox at reasonable prices. Soccer balls aren’t the only option for OCC shoebox toys though. For more suggestions, visit the OCC website. Just remember - no candy, food, or liquids.
We’re collecting for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) 2018 Shoeboxes year-round!
We’re doing this to get ready for a great packing party on November 5, 2018. Working year round gives us extra time to carefully choose special items for the shoebox. These shoeboxes really matter. An OCC shoebox might be the only gift a child ever receives. Even if you can’t make it, you can participate by donating something to include in the shoeboxes. Items must be new. For a complete list of accepted items, please visit our Operation Christmas Child page. Donations may be dropped off at Immanuel at any time. Please drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549
Flip Flops Pave the Way To School – The $1 Old Navy Sale!
Flip flops are an iconic, and fun, part of the American summer, along with picnics, barbecues, and the beach. Flip Flops serve a more serious purpose in third world countries however. In some parts of the world, children have to walk long distances to school. They must wear shoes and provide their own school supplies, or they cannot attend. If they don’t have shoes, they can’t go to school. Flip flops are an excellent way to provide shoes for a child. Because the sizing is more general, they can wear them a long time, even as their feet grow.
This Memorial Day weekend Old Navy is offering flip flops for $1 each for their credit card holders. Old Navy also runs a big $1 flip flop sale for all customers each June. Watch for the 2018 sale… it’s an economical way to help fill a shoebox!
Simply drop off your donations in the bin just outside of Fellowship Hall by the children’s ministries bulletin board. If you have any questions, please contact Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549. More on information Operation Christmas Child can be found at Immanuelpalatine.org/operation-christmas-child.