Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery, 72-74 South Greeley, Palatine, IL 60067

Union Cemetery grounds are open for visitation everyday from dawn to dusk.
For burial plot information please contact: Immanuel Lutheran Church 200 N. Plum Grove Road, Palatine, IL 60067 847-359-1549
Did you know St. Paul United Church of Christ and Immanuel Lutheran Church are the proprietors of a cemetery? The two churches operate Union Cemetery on Greeley Street, two blocks south of Palatine Road. Paddock School borders the cemetery on two sides.
Union Cemetery dates back to the 1880’s. On July 20, 1881, St. Paul United Church of Christ received title to the south half of the cemetery. Twelve years later, December 5, 1893, Immanuel Lutheran received title to the North half. Many of Palatine’s early settlers and well-known citizens are buried at Union Cemetery. The condition of the cemetery deteriorated for a number of years, but in 1981, the Palatine Southside Cemetery Association was formed. The Association assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the cemetery.
If you are interested in burial plot information at this historic cemetery, please contact Immanuel Lutheran Church at 847-359-1549 or St. Paul United Church of Christ @ 847-358-0399.
We Need Your Help:
The history of our cemetery is very important. If you have any knowledge of the history of our cemetery, documentation, pictures, or archival records please share these with the Association. Information may be dropped off at Immanuel church office, or mailed to the church with “cemetery” noted on the envelope. We are particularly interested in bills of sale, burial site information, funeral home records; in fact, any information about our Union Cemetery. We will copy all material and return the originals to you.
Union Cemetery welcomes donations which are essential to maintaining the cemetery and keeping its grounds attractive.