We are excited to announce that Dr. Tanya Calendo, our new principal starting next school year, and her husband, Joe, will be joining us for worship on Sunday, March 24 for the 10:30am worship service.


We invite all church and school families to attend the 10:30 service and then stop by Fellowship Hall to meet our new principal and her husband and extend our warm Immanuel family welcome to them. They will be available for introductions and conversations until approximately noon.


Let’s come together as a community to greet and welcome our new school leader. See you there!


If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Warren or the church office at (847) 359-1549.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Warren Schilf

Senior Pastor

Jesus Lives!
Jesus lives! The victory’s won! 
Death no longer can appall me; 
Jesus lives! Death’s reign is done!
From the grave Christ will recall me. 
Brighter scenes will then commence;
This shall be my confidence.
Jesus lives! and now is death
But the gate of life immortal;
This shall calm my trembling breath
When I pass its gloomy portal. 
Faith shall cry, as fails each sense,
Jesus is my confidence!