Prayer is a very important part of life here at Immanuel. Prayers are incorporated into every worship service.
Prayer by Text
If you have a prayer request, simply text the word “Prayer” to (224) 801-2902 and one of our pastors will personally respond with a personal prayer for you.
Call Us
Immanuel’s pastoral staff is readily available to pray in private with you if you’d like – please contact us at 847-359-1549.
Immanuel’s pastoral staff is readily available to pray in private with you if you’d like – please contact us at 847-359-1549.
Prayer Chain
Immanuel has an active prayer chain. All prayer requests are considered to be confidential and communicated to prayer chain members via email or snail mail. You can have your email address added to the prayer chain list if you would like to be a part of it…help those that need our prayers!
Immanuel has an active prayer chain. All prayer requests are considered to be confidential and communicated to prayer chain members via email or snail mail. You can have your email address added to the prayer chain list if you would like to be a part of it…help those that need our prayers!

Submit a Prayer Request
We encourage you to send us your prayer requests using the form below.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:6