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Weekend Worship - 10:30AM
Worship Service Check-In:
Weekend Worship - 8AM
Worship Service Check-In:
Weekend Worship - 5PM
Worship Service Check-In:
Weekend Worship - 10:30
Worship Service Check-In:
Weekend Worship - 8AM
Worship Service Check-In:
Weekend Worship - 5PM
Worship Service Check-In:
Sun, Jan 26 at 10:30 AM - "Amazed by the Word"- Lutheran Worship
When Jesus unrolled the scroll, the people might have been expecting words from His
mouth, but what they got was the Word made flesh, the Word that endures forever. It
did not take long before they found reason to wonder. “Is this not Joseph’s son?” The
reality is that there are always those who look for reason to doubt or to reject but the
Word is given to bring forth faith. The Word is given that by hearing we might believe, but
wherever God’s Word is spoken it is also a scandal and offense to the way we see
ourselves and our salvation. Jesus has come to address us with the Word of Life so that
by hearing we may believe and by believing we may see that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of the living God. The best appreciation for God’s Word is faith.
Sun, Jan 26 at 8:00 AM - "Amazed by the Word"- Lutheran Worship
When Jesus unrolled the scroll, the people might have been expecting words from His
mouth, but what they got was the Word made flesh, the Word that endures forever. It
did not take long before they found reason to wonder. “Is this not Joseph’s son?” The
reality is that there are always those who look for reason to doubt or to reject but the
Word is given to bring forth faith. The Word is given that by hearing we might believe, but
wherever God’s Word is spoken it is also a scandal and offense to the way we see
ourselves and our salvation. Jesus has come to address us with the Word of Life so that
by hearing we may believe and by believing we may see that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of the living God. The best appreciation for God’s Word is faith.
Sat, Jan 25 at 5:00 PM - "Amazed by the Word"- Lutheran Worship
When Jesus unrolled the scroll, the people might have been expecting words from His
mouth, but what they got was the Word made flesh, the Word that endures forever. It
did not take long before they found reason to wonder. “Is this not Joseph’s son?” The
reality is that there are always those who look for reason to doubt or to reject but the
Word is given to bring forth faith. The Word is given that by hearing we might believe, but
wherever God’s Word is spoken it is also a scandal and offense to the way we see
ourselves and our salvation. Jesus has come to address us with the Word of Life so that
by hearing we may believe and by believing we may see that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of the living God. The best appreciation for God’s Word is faith.
Sat, Jan 19 at 10:30 AM - "What’s in the Jar?"- Lutheran Worship
The miracle of water turned into wine is a surprising one. It is marked by the fact that this is the choicest of wines, that the sheer amount of wine was embarrassingly extravagant, and that the full benefit of this miracle was limited to the servants who did what Jesus said, Mary, and the disciples who were with Jesus. It is the mark of what is to come. Jesus’ whole ministry is one of goodness beyond compare, of extravagant mercy beyond what we deserve or even dare ask, and of grace hidden in ordinary things like words, water, bread, and wine. This is then a precursor of what is to come, the first of many manifestations of His mercy and the rich and overflowing provision of His grace to supply salvation to a world that otherwise knows no joy.
Sat, Jan 19 at 8:00 AM - "What’s in the Jar?"- Lutheran Worship
The miracle of water turned into wine is a surprising one. It is marked by the fact that this is the choicest of wines, that the sheer amount of wine was embarrassingly extravagant, and that the full benefit of this miracle was limited to the servants who did what Jesus said, Mary, and the disciples who were with Jesus. It is the mark of what is to come. Jesus’ whole ministry is one of goodness beyond compare, of extravagant mercy beyond what we deserve or even dare ask, and of grace hidden in ordinary things like words, water, bread, and wine. This is then a precursor of what is to come, the first of many manifestations of His mercy and the rich and overflowing provision of His grace to supply salvation to a world that otherwise knows no joy.
Sat, Jan 18 at 5:00 PM - "What’s in the Jar?"- Lutheran Worship
The miracle of water turned into wine is a surprising one. It is marked by the fact that this is the choicest of wines, that the sheer amount of wine was embarrassingly extravagant, and that the full benefit of this miracle was limited to the servants who did what Jesus said, Mary, and the disciples who were with Jesus. It is the mark of what is to come. Jesus’ whole ministry is one of goodness beyond compare, of extravagant mercy beyond what we deserve or even dare ask, and of grace hidden in ordinary things like words, water, bread, and wine. This is then a precursor of what is to come, the first of many manifestations of His mercy and the rich and overflowing provision of His grace to supply salvation to a world that otherwise knows no joy.
Sun, Jan 12 at 10:30 AM - "Come to the Waters" - Lutheran Worship
Today is the first of the bookends that mark the Epiphany season—the Baptism of Our
Lord and His Transfiguration. In common is the command from God to “listen to Him.”
We begin our journey of listening to the Lord, learning from those who went before,
acknowledging the revelation of the Lamb of God in baptismal water, and looking to
Him, the Word made flesh. In the prophet Isaiah comes a voice of comfort to a troubled
Judah. By these words, the Lord reminds us that despite the circumstances of the
moment, the faithful are beloved in the eyes of the Lord—a love made profoundly
manifest in the gift of His own Son to die that we might live and to live that we might
never die.
Sun, Jan 12 at 8:00 AM - "Come to the Waters" - Lutheran Worship
Today is the first of the bookends that mark the Epiphany season—the Baptism of Our
Lord and His Transfiguration. In common is the command from God to “listen to Him.”
We begin our journey of listening to the Lord, learning from those who went before,
acknowledging the revelation of the Lamb of God in baptismal water, and looking to
Him, the Word made flesh. In the prophet Isaiah comes a voice of comfort to a troubled
Judah. By these words, the Lord reminds us that despite the circumstances of the
moment, the faithful are beloved in the eyes of the Lord—a love made profoundly
manifest in the gift of His own Son to die that we might live and to live that we might
never die.
Sat, Jan 11 at 5:00 PM - "Come to the Waters" - Lutheran Worship
Today is the first of the bookends that mark the Epiphany season—the Baptism of Our
Lord and His Transfiguration. In common is the command from God to “listen to Him.”
We begin our journey of listening to the Lord, learning from those who went before,
acknowledging the revelation of the Lamb of God in baptismal water, and looking to
Him, the Word made flesh. In the prophet Isaiah comes a voice of comfort to a troubled
Judah. By these words, the Lord reminds us that despite the circumstances of the
moment, the faithful are beloved in the eyes of the Lord—a love made profoundly
manifest in the gift of His own Son to die that we might live and to live that we might
never die.
You can also view all of our live broadcasts and archived recordings via our mobile app: “God With Us”. It is available for download at no cost for both Apple and Android mobile devices.