Want to participate in Operation Christmas Child this year? It’s easier than ever – simply pick up a free shoebox at Immanuel Lutheran church during the annual Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, October 22, from 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome (all ages) and there is no admission fee. Last year an estimated 500 people attended Trunk or Treat, with decorated car trunks and kids “trick-or-treating” from them in this safe environment. Trunk or Treat will also include a variety of games and activities such as a Candyland adventure, a bean bag toss, photo opportunities, and a bounce house. Sweet treats (while supplies last) round out the event. Costumes are optional, but add a fun touch. Also of note: bring a non-perishable food item for our Food Pantry and get a prize!

Members of American Heritage Girls Troop #IL0412 assembled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to be distributed free of charge at Immanuel’s Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 22 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m
Once you pick up your free shoebox, fill it with a variety of suggested items – some fun, some practical, some both – and bring it back to Immanuel during “National Collection Week,” November 13- 20. For specific times, please visit Immanuelpalatine.org/operation-christmas-child or call 847-359-1549.
Another way to participate in Operation Christmas Child is to donate something to include in the shoeboxes – nail clippers, crayons, little notebooks, small toys, soap, combs, and more. Items must be new. For a complete list of accepted items, please visit www.immanuelpalatine.org/operation-christmas-child. Donations may be dropped off at Trunk or Treat this Sunday or at Immanuel prior to November 1.
For more information, please contact Trephina Bedell at 847-359-1549 or tbedell@ilcp.org. Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, a fixture in the Palatine community for nearly 150 years, offers a variety of programs and services to the people of Palatine, as well as weekly worship services. More information on Operation Christmas Child may be found at www.samaritanspurse.org.